05.07.2025 14:00 - 15:00
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It's not often that a TV show focusing on household subjects manages to generate entirely new sayings. When something doesn't work out Finns like to say, it didn't go like in Strömsö. In the Strömsö TV show, all the cooking, crafts and building projects are always a success. This trip gives you the opportunity to visit the set of this lifestyle show in Västervik in Vaasa.
The guided walk provides you with information about this100 years old villa and the surrounding buildings.
Tour days; 28.6.-2.8.2025
• Tuesdays at 2 pm
• Thursdays at 5 pm (Except, Thu 31.7. at 4 pm)
• Saturdays at 2 pm
Duration: about 1 hour
Price: 10 €/person. Children under 12 years free of charge.
Must be booked 12 hours beforehand
Address: Strömsöntie 16, Vaasa.
No arranged transportation.
On request also at other times: oppaat-guider@elisanet.fi