25.06.2025 18:00 - 19:30
You can choose the event date from the calendar. There are no events on the days with dark background. If the selected event is available more than once in a day, you can choose the spesific time from the list that appears below the calendar.
Choose the amounts and types of tickets you prefer from the available selection and confirm your choice with Add to cart -button. This will take the tickets to the shopping cart.
Dates 2025: 10.6, 25.6, 24.7, 4.8. at 6-7.30 p.m.
Meeting at the gate of Kapellinmäki Cemetery. Before the tour, we will get an introduction to the history of cemeteries in Old Vaasa. During the guided tour, we will hear about local historical events and notable individuals buried at Kappelinmäki cemetery.
Kappelinmäki cemetery dates to 1782. It is one of Finland´s oldest graveyards still in active use. Much of Vaasa´s ancient history lies buried in its soil.
Tickets: 10 €/person, kids under 12-years free of charge.
Bookings: at least 12 h in advance!
Start:at the gate to the cemetery, Kappelinmäentie 167.
No arranged transport. You can take local bus lines 1, 2, and 5 from the city center to Ristinummi. From the nearest bus stop, it is about 700 meters to the cemetery. Schedule and line information for the buses via this link.
On request also at other times: oppaat-guider@elisanet.fi