Floating sauna winter
Please choose the date of your arrival from calendar and the start time of your reservation from the list. You can continue the reservation with Book button.
Enjoy the Winter!
Bookingtime: 1.11.2023-1.4.2024, one group have 3 hours time to enjoy sauna, swimming in cold water and relax.
Floating Sauna is a 6 x 10m sauna raft that is located at Hietasaari of Vaasa.
Max 12 people is allowed on board, the raft has a 6-8 persons sauna and a living room where you can have meetings, dinner or just hang out.
Bookingtime: 1.11.2023-1.4.2024, one group have 3 hours time to enjoy sauna, swimming in cold water and relax.
Floating Sauna is a 6 x 10m sauna raft that is located at Hietasaari of Vaasa.
Max 12 people is allowed on board, the raft has a 6-8 persons sauna and a living room where you can have meetings, dinner or just hang out.